The hotel market of Ukraine: problems and development prospects


  • Larysa Kapranova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine
  • Denys Nikitin SHEU «Priazovskyi State Technical University», Ukraine



international market, the economic crisis, market transformation, tourism, hotel market, UkrSEPRO,


The article is of an overview nature. The article makes an attempt to analyze the current state of the hotel business in Ukraine. The article makes an attempt to generalize the existing in the world classifications of hotels depending on the provision of quality of services. The data of 10 countries with the highest prices for hotel services are given. The classification of types of hotel accommodation is given. It is determined that in some countries the assignment of a class of hotel services and the definition of the standards of this service to the nagatory of state bodies (ministries and departments). The models of hotel classification are given and it is determined that the most common are the European system, the Asian-African system, the American and the Greek. It is concluded that the Ukrainian hotel business system is based on the European system of classification of hotel services, but at the same time compliance with all norms and requirements in accordance with this system is almost not observed. In Ukraine they try to combine the experience of the European and American sith, namely, the hotel chains are being formed following the example of the American, and they are assigned the type of "stars" as European hotels. Unfortunately for 27 years in Ukraine there was not created an independent agency for observing the quality of hotel services, which would be a counterbalance for UkrSEPRO and the results of high ratings of which would be for Ukraine's hotels prerogative.


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How to Cite

Kapranova, L., & Nikitin, D. (2018). The hotel market of Ukraine: problems and development prospects. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 109–116.


