Organizational foundations of modern quality management systems in industrial enterprises.


  • Maryna Kravchenko ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Roman Kussa ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



quality, quality management, ISO, standard, certification, regulatory documents, quality certification.


Given the fact that Ukraine is heading for the EU, then all regulatory documents related to certification, especially in industrial enterprises, must comply with standards and international norms. Therefore, improving the quality of products in Ukraine and this period is an important issue. The growth of competitiveness not only in the domestic market but also in the global one stimulates industrial enterprises to revise the quality standards of products. Improving the quality of products in Ukraine is dictated not only by high competitiveness in the domestic market, the quality of life of workers also directly depends on the quality of products, since quality products are sold at a higher price, and this is the salary of industrial workers and their social well-being. Also, the high quality of products of industrial enterprises and manufacturing according to modern technologies indicates the country's level in the competitive list of countries, and this is the image of the state as an exporter on the international market. The guarantor of product quality of industrial enterprises in the international market are the ISO 9000 series standards. Due to the fact that the scientific and economic achievements of new markets in competitiveness, the implementation of innovative solutions and inventions, lead to the formation at industrial enterprises of a unified system of actions to improve the quality and level of knowledge, which become one of the main conditions for the development and growth of competitiveness of the economy enterprises, industries but also the state. A study of the development of scientific theories of quality management at industrial enterprises and their approaches to practical implementation revealed a number of methodological foundations and principles aimed at improving product quality management at industrial enterprises. Scientific research in this area has gone from theory based on the principles of marriage and theories of production process control. The topic is relevant especially at a time when the country is moving to international standards and entering the international market for products. The study and implementation of international standards is relevant in this period at industrial enterprises.



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How to Cite

Kravchenko, M., & Kussa, R. (2019). Organizational foundations of modern quality management systems in industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 141–147.


