Omel'chenko L.S, Laktionova О.Е.. Forming of the integral system of tax stimulation of in-novative activity.


  • Л С Омельченко
  • О Ю Лактіонова



innovative activity, tax stimulation, privileges, preferens, tax credit, tax mechanism


The questions of forming of the integral system of tax stimulation of innovative activity are considered in the article. A tax mechanism as basic instrument of stimulation of innovative activity is investigational. The complex of measures for stimulation, including the use of innovative tax credit(ITC), privileges and preferens, is offered, mechanism of variatinge of rate of income tax depending on effectiveness of innovative processtes for taxpayers.


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How to Cite

Омельченко, Л. С., & Лактіонова, О. Ю. (2017). Omel’chenko L.S, Laktionova О.Е. Forming of the integral system of tax stimulation of in-novative activity. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (22), 5–9.