Kul’backa O.The market of land resources in the conditions of the economic crisis


  • Олеся Михайлівна Кульбака Вищий державний навчальний заклад «Придніпровська академія будівництва і архітектури», Ukraine




land resources, landcapitalization, the economic crisis, the banking system, default


The article deals with the questions of mobilization of internal resources of the country for traverse from the crisis the refusal of deadlock policy of escalating debt. It is offered to use the domestic land resources as the new development direction of the economy. A significant negative impact of corrupt mechanisms for determining the value of the auction of land resources is considered in the article. It is proved that a large number of scientifically based methods of land resources evaluation leads to significant differences in the results depending on the selected method. The need for the global banking system to capitalizate real resources and land resources, including economic sanctions against Russian Federation by the EU and the United States is justified.

For the purpose of fair distribution of financial income from foreign capitalization of the banking system it is recommended to bring land bonas evenly distributed among the citizens. It is offered to buy back  the state land from land owners and to conduct its capitalization as bank assets to get financial income.


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How to Cite

Кульбака, О. М. (2014). Kul’backa O.The market of land resources in the conditions of the economic crisis. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 75–79. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.28.2014.42405