Bessonova S. Research activities and problems of metallurgical enterprises in the energy saving


  • С. І. Бессонова Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет». м. Маріуполь., Ukraine



power-hungryness, power to efficiency, investment resources, legislative adjusting of energy-savings and power to efficiency in Ukraine, investments, industrial enterprises


The article examined legislative documents regulating the issues of energy efficiency, energy saving, innovation orientation, scientific and technical support of the industrial sector. Analysis of the activities of metallurgical enterprises allowed to ascertain a significant reduction in production capacity, it had an impact on the reduction of energy costs. A comparative analysis of the average daily production of the international manufacturers of such kinds of steel products such as: iron, steel, rolled products. We investigated the cost of steel products, identified rising costs, the production cost components. The analysis of the measures aimed at reducing the cost of steel products. The main areas to reduce the cost of steel products are to reduce consumption of imported gas, production optimization, the rational use of transport, the introduction of resource-saving technologies, modernization of production facilities, implementation of investment programs. Associates from external borrowers enables enterprises to invest in capital investments to reduce the environmental burden on the environment. The lack of working capital reduces the rational use of natural resources. The analysis of the environmental performance of the steel industry. It is proposed to leave the environmental fee in the city local budget. Receipt of funds into the local budget will improve the ecological situation in the region. Analysis of the debt of the budget metallurgical enterprises. Studies have shown that a lack of return from the budget value-added tax leads to an outflow of working capital, which has a negative impact on the financial condition of enterprises. The deficit of working capital leads to an increase in accounts payable to suppliers of raw materials, electricity, staff wages. There is a need to reduce the negative labor. To eliminate debt before the budget metallurgical enterprises, it is necessary to cancel an order to disconnect from the system of automatic reimbursement of value added tax. Resolving this issue will enable enterprises in the metallurgical industry to direct current assets by implementing energy efficiency projects, and implementation of energy efficiency measures


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How to Cite

Бессонова, С. І. (2015). Bessonova S. Research activities and problems of metallurgical enterprises in the energy saving. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 113–122.