Kalyuzhna N. Export potential: an approach to the interpretation of the concept


  • Н. Г. Калюжна Український державний університет фінансів та міжнародної торгівлі, м. Київ, Ukraine




export potential, business entity, resources, integrated approach, ability, opportunity


In terms of active search for ways of economic recovery of our country, it is necessary to identify common patterns that are fundamental to the study of the export potential of the country as an economic category. Clarifying the notion of essence of export potential will help systematize approaches to the interpretation of the concept of potential in the economy. Existing approaches to interpretation of the potential entity are systematized in the following areas: the resource approach (the potential as a set of resources); the resource-oriented approach (the potential as a resources system, which is aimed at a particular purpose); the resource-scoring approach (the potential as a resources system, which is maximizing a result); the potential as ability; the potential as a possibility; the potential as a socio-economic characteristics. The analysis of existing approaches shows the expediency of their integration considering defining features. The comprehensive approach to the definition of "potential" in the economy is proposed. Under this approach, the notion of "potential entity" is defined as a set of possibilities entity in a particular area due to the presence of relevant abilities secured system of economic resources, and to achieve certain socio-economic results. According to the proposed comprehensive approach the export potential is defined as a country's ability to create and implement on its outside scope of economic benefits of good quality, based on availability of system comparative advantage in the international division of labor, and aimed at the development and support of sustainable competitive position in the global market. Proposed definition takes into account the country's export potential and its key features is the basis for identifying and evaluating sources of formation and development of export potential


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How to Cite

Калюжна, Н. Г. (2015). Kalyuzhna N. Export potential: an approach to the interpretation of the concept. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 317–324. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.30.2015.74246