Theoretical and methodological foundations of product quality management at industrial enterprises.


  • Maryna Kravchenko ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Marharyta Ksenita ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



product quality management, regulatory documents, standards, certification, process monitoring.


In conditions of high competitiveness of the economy and the integration of industrial enterprises, increasing requirements for the development of market relations oriented towards competitiveness, both in the domestic and world markets, a fundamental change is taking on universal quality management, which ensures the achievement of the required level of quality of products in accordance with all world requirements and domestic standards, GSTU, GOSTs and continuous improvement in regulatory documents. A high level of scientific achievements and a correctly developed production management system makes it possible to form a new approach to high quality products at industrial enterprises of Ukraine. To achieve high results in product quality, it is necessary to pursue an active and reasonable state policy as a product.  Regulatory documents that ensure product quality in modern market conditions require enterprises to take a more thoughtful and deeper approach to quality management issues, and require the involvement of material and human resources in the process of manufacturing quality products at industrial enterprises.  Quality management is the main priority for achieving the main goals of the enterprise.  Therefore, the leaders of industrial enterprises of Ukraine should be interested in improving the quality of products and improve the management of production processes for the development of a quality management system. Ukrainian enterprises are trying to gradually move to world standards, but this is a complex and long period that requires time and effort, requires the study and use of the experience of leading industrial enterprises of the world, facilitated by the growth in recent years, the volume of information on various quality management issues. But copying by Ukrainian industrial enterprises of the methods and mechanisms of quality management can lead to a serious complication of the economic situation of enterprises, all internal and external factors affecting the quality in Ukraine must be taken into account. Updated scientific and economic approaches to quality require the creation of effective management of organizational development in the quality system, taking into account the characteristics of the industry, enterprise, region, at the level of organizational behavior, also taking into account all factors. Quality management for this period has different approaches and directions.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, M., & Ksenita, M. (2019). Theoretical and methodological foundations of product quality management at industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 14–20.


