Ryabik Anna. Formation of competitive advantages as the targets in the strategic planning process of competitiveness


  • Г. Є. Рябик Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, Ukraine




competitive advantage, strategy, production and sale process, product, functional and non-functional needs of the buyer, management tools, business processes


The paper describes the sequence of selecting strategies to achieve competitive advantages depending on the external and internal environment. It is concluded that there is a certain contradiction in the existing approaches to solving problems of competitiveness strategic planning. Some approaches allow choosing competitive strategy from a theoretical point of view. However, they are more descriptive, thereby they reduce the value of the application of the model itself. The other approaches are more successful in terms of their application; however, they lack theoretical justification of quantitative results, which reduces the probability of choosing the adequate strategies to achieve competitive advantages. The author provides a solution to this contradiction by a methodical approach study of competitive strategy. Its main advantage is the optimal combination of the used theoretical approaches and the reasonableness of the results with the possibility of their effective application. Under this approach, the problem of justification of a strategy to achieve competitive advantages is expected to be solved in two stages. The first phase suppose carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the competitive position of the company, which will be the informational and analytical basis for the next phase. The second step is to select specific options for addressing strategic gaps between the expected and the actual level of competitive advantage. The characteristic feature of the offered approach is the real participation of business units in real-world business processes that can simultaneously handle objects and relationships, rather than a simple set of elements.


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How to Cite

Рябик, Г. Є. (2015). Ryabik Anna. Formation of competitive advantages as the targets in the strategic planning process of competitiveness. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 197–203. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.30.2015.74190