Pyrogenic Influence on Pine Stands in the Conditions of Technogenic and Environmental Load



forest fire, thermal radiation, combustion rate, flame temperature


Purpose. To develop a model of the effect of temperature on the tree trunk, depending on the duration of its impact, the distance from the edge of the fire and the height of the fire.

Methods. Mathematical modeling.  

Results.  The analytical study of thermal conductivity is reduced to the study of the space-time change of the basic physical quantity - temperature. The effect of thermal radiation on the stand is fires at a fire height of 2-3 meters. In this case, the maximum heat flow is directed horizontally to the stand and affects the crowns of coniferous undergrowth, burning needles, or overheating needles and buds, which leads to the death of young trees. Older trees receive only burns, which does not lead to their death, but reduces the quality of wood. Depending on the type of fire and its intensity, the convection heat flux differs in temperature and duration of exposure to the crown. Depending on these parameters, either the entire crown (buds, leaves, needles) burns, resulting in tree death, or the crown will be partially damaged and remain viable. The model of temperature dependence on the surface of the tree trunk on the height of the fire and the time of exposure of the pyrogenic factor is constructed. It is established that even in the case of grassroots fires, the heat flux density closer than 2 m from the flame exceeds 12 kW/m2, such a level of radiation causes burns immediately. 

Conclusions. A model has been developed for the prediction of heat radiation from fire acting on tree trunks at different distances from the edge of the fire. The obtained results make it possible to predict the post-fire condition of stands. Damage to tree trunks and their death in fires also depends on the thickness of the bark and the time of exposure to high temperatures, as well as the diameter of the trunk.

Author Biographies

Ю. В. Буц, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD (Geography)

О. В. Крайнюк, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

PhD (Technical)

А. Н. Некос, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

DSc (Geography), Prof

В. В. Барбашин, Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD (Technical)


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