Present-day Information on the State of Soil Covering in EU Countries and Ukraine



soil degradation, monitoring of a soil cover, soil fertility


Purpose. Coverage materials initiated by the European and Global Soil Partnership, on the current state of the soil cover, causes quite reasonable concern and requires efforts primarily from European countries, where the use of soil cover is extremely intensive, to correct the situation. Methods. System analysis. Results.  On the basis of the various experimental information received last years, - the report of the European soil partnership (2012), fundamental generalization about a condition of soil resources of the world (2015), results of last rounds agrichemical certification of Ukrine,s soil cover   (2005-2010) and a database «Soil properties of Ukraine» of NSC «O.N.Sokolovsky Institute of soil science and agrochemistry» draws conclusions on kinds of soil degrada­tion and them distriburion in the countries of the European continent and in Ukraine. In the Europe dominating kinds are sealing (hermetic) of a soil cover, various pollution and water erosion. In Ukraine - dehumification, decrease in the contents of nutrients in soils and various displays of physical degradation. Offers on development in Ukraine of monitoring of a soil cover and reanimation of programs of increase of soil fertility are proved and also about a concrete definition of mutual relations between Ukraine and the European soil partnership. Conclusions. State of soils in Europe and in Ukraine under the influence of unbalanced and overly intensive agricultural technologies shows a clear trend towards deterioration. Needed systematic monitoring of soil fertility improvement program, radical change in the content of agricultural technologies and establish close cooperation with global and European soil partnerships. The plans for the implementation YEHP desirable to consider the specifics of Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union.

Author Biographies

В. М. Медведєв, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university

Завідувач кафедри екології та неоекології, екологічний факультет

Г. В. Тітенко, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university

декан екологічного факультету


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