The Biocentric-Network Configuration within the Mixed-Forest Landscapes of the Left-Bank Ukraine (Case study of Tested Research Area)


  • В. В. Удовиченко Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


landscape structure, biocenter, biocoridor, interactive element, mapping, graph theory, matrix


Purpose. The exploration the topic features of the biocentric-network landscapes structure (configuration) of the Left-Bank the Dnipro river of Ukraine territory on the example of the one tested research area – area of exploration the mixed-forest landscape complexes, for the future possibility of usage obtained results for the purpose of landscape planning tools implementation. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, mapping, construction graphic simulation and matrix models, metrization, comparative geographical. Results. The biocentric-network configuration of landscapes (BNCL) is understood as a variety of biocenters that located at the matrix of landscapes and along which the biotic migrations take places. The theoretic-methodological contemporary apparatus of BNCL exploration is formed by scientific results which we could find out in works of European and Ukrainian scientists, in particular: A. Buchek, I. Ljov, P Kavaljauskas, R. Forman, M. Godron, M. Grodzinskyi, P. Shyschenko, V. Paschenko, S. Kukurudza, etc. Nevertheless, lack of works which could clarify questions representativeness BNCL under conditions of considerable fragmented and anthropogenic landscapes territories especially within the Left-Bank the Dnipro river of Ukraine territory and landscapes at the local level leads us to accomplishment becoming exploration. The key features of the BNCL of the mixed-forest landscape complexes, according to the contemporary theoretic-methodical approaches, the graph theory and relevant matrix building, metrization parameters calculation, were determined by using GIS-parcel MapInfo Professional 10.0.1, and type, and sort of landscape complexes data, including objects of nature reserved fund, forests, meadows, swamp, etc. data. The specific features of structure, functioning and linkages within the system of biocenters were distinguished. Conclusions. The calculation of elements the BNCL helps us to distinguish «central» and «provincial» biocenters within the tested area. Altogether, received results of graphical and matrix modeling the BNCL at the local level will be a good background for the future landscape planning tools implementation.

Author Biography

В. В. Удовиченко, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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