Typification of Lymans of the North-Western Black Sea According to the Recommendations of the Eu Water Framework Directive


  • Є. І. Газєтов Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  • О. П. Конарева Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  • І. Є. Солтис Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Ukraine


EU Water Framework Directive, typification, limans of the north-western Black Sea coast


Purpose. Typification of limans in the north-western Black Sea coast (NWBS) (so called “marine lagoons”) according to the EU Water Framework Directive methodological approaches on hydrological, morphometric, hydrochemical and genesis characteristics. Methods. Comparative & geographical, generalization, cluster analysis. Results. Five groups of limans have been determined by analysis of their crucial parameters: mean annual salinity, depth fluctuation, fresh water influx, water bodies’ and their catchments’ genesis, which were taken from the historical sources and from researches of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. The selected groups comprised water bodies having similar properties in their water balance regime, origin and hydrochemical regime. Brief description of properties for the each group of water bodies has been formulated. A comparison of the typification results with the work of another team on these objects has been conducted. Conclusions. Five types of limans have been identified in the NWBS: 1) floodplain lagoons, oligogaline, shallow, without free connection to the sea; 2) polygaline shallow sea lagoons; 3) very elongated deep mesohaline floodplain water bodies; 4) estuaries of large rivers with permanent connection to the sea; 5) floodplain shallow hyperhaline water bodies, without a natural connection to the sea. The typification performed makes it possible to use modern monitoring programs for large groups of water bodies in NWBS taking into account the European experience.


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