Management of the Nature Protected Areas and Objects in the Frame of Ecosystem Approach (Case Study of Kharkiv Region)
ecosystem approach, nature protected areas and objects, nature conservation, management, ecosystem services, landscape and ecological researchesAbstract
Purpose. Justification of the ecosystem approach implementation to the management of nature protected areas and objects. Methods. Scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematic approach) in the frame of the conceptual model «Driving forces – Pressure – State – Impact – Response» (DPSIR). Results. The prerequisites of the management system reforming of nature protected areas and objects are studied in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development. The current state and functioning features of the nature protected areas and objects in Kharkiv region are examined. All revealed issues are largely related to the poor level of information support of the decision-making process in nature conservation, which indicates a need for new «pragmatic» directions, allowing to fill the information vacuum regarding the ecologic and the economic value of certain natural systems. Conclusions. Development of the national methodology for assessing ecosystem services, based on the landscape approach, can be seen as a valuable tool to improve the management system in the field of nature conservation.
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