Morphological Characteristies of Meadow Chornozem Carbonate Soils of the Ridge Land Along the Bug River


  • З. І. Лемішка Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • В. В. Снітинський Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine


meadow chernozem carbonate soils, fallow, tillage, morphological characteristics, genetic levels, soils conservation


Purpose. The research is focused on morphological characteristics of soil profile of meadow chernozem carbonate soils of the Ridge Land along the Bug in the fallow and under conditions of anthropogenic use (tillage), examination of the ways of optimization of their use to prevent degradation processes.  Methods. Comparatively-geographical and morphologically-genetic (profile). Results. The conducted experiments allowed to analyze peculiarities of morphological structure of meadow chernozem carbonate soils in the process of anthropogenic use and to determine that agricultural use of the researched soils caused some modifications in their morphological characteristics comparing with the fallow. This conclusion was made due to the increase of intensity of humus plaster, changes in colouring, structure density and the ways of transition between genetic levels. In optimization of the use of meadow chernozem carbonate soils the top priorities should be: minimization of loading on soils, application of fertilizers, new machinery, scientifically-grounded ways of farming.

Author Biography

В. В. Снітинський, Lviv National Agrarian University

д-р біол. наук, академік НААНУ


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