Paradynamic Anthropogenic Landscape System of the Khmel'nitskiy Nuclear Power Plant
environment, paradynamic anthropogenic landscape zone, pollutionAbstract
Purpose. Сonsider the Khmel’nitskiy nuclear power plant (KNPP) with the scope of its impact on the environment as a single paradynamic anthropogenic landscape system (PALS). Methods: field, literary and cartographic, analytical and cartographic analysis, logic, finding of empirical relationships, theoretical generalization. Results. The processes of formation and functioning of the paradynamic anthropogenic landscape system are described based on the KNPP. The influence of power plant on the air, surface and ground water, the soil, living creatures is analyzed. The paradynamic anthropogenic landscape zones of air, climatic, hydrological, hydrogeological, mineral and biotic effects of Khmel’nitskiy nuclear power plant on the environment are defined and characterized. Conclusions. Found that due to the construction and functioning of Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant the PALS was formed. The paradynamic anthropogenic landscape zones of air, climatic, hydrological, hydrogeological, mineral and biotic effects of nuclear power plant on the environment are defined in its structure. Power station carries out differently effect on the components of nature.
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