New Approaches to Environmental Education in Ukraine


  • І. Б. Койнова National Ivan Franko University of Lviv, Ukraine


ecological education, ecological culture, education for sustainable development


The main objective of this publication is to justify approaches to ecologizing of education on different education stages. Methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and pedagogical method were used. Results of this research prove that there is a necessity to combine formal and informal ecological education for all ages. To increase the effectiveness of ecological education, a subject Ecological Culture should be introduced. For non-natural specialists in universities instead of Ecology there should be either Ecological Culture or Sustainable Development, which develop feeling of personal responsibility for environment, knowledge and professional skills for professional activity and daily life in field of natural resources rational use and nature protection. Ecological education for adults should be provided by involving into common activities staff of Natural Parks, priests, media. Conclusions New approaches will increase the effectiveness of ecological education; develop ecological culture of citizens, who have knowledge, skills, motivation and obligation to work on solving current ecological problems and preventing new ones.UDC

Author Biography

І. Б. Койнова, National Ivan Franko University of Lviv

канд. геогр. наук, доц


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