Environmental Project in Native Locality as Method in Ecological Education


  • Ala Donica Pedagogical State University «Ion Creangă» Chisinau city, Moldova, Republic of


ecological education, environmental protection


Purpose: To connect the components of the environment, society, economy and education in view of sustainable development, with formation and development of a sense of local belonging, through environmental project, as individual work for students, including studies of environmental problems in their home villages. Methods: environmental project, methods of oral communication, written communication methods, methods of direct systematic exploration of reality, methods of working in the field, laboratory study methods, analytical method, historical method, systematic method of environment study, etc. Results: One of the recent methods used in environmental education of Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga"’ students, faculty - History and Geography, university course -"Environmental Protection" is the environmental project - a research carried out by students and coordinated by teachers, that studying an environmental issue or problem. In this context, the main effort is focused on local communities, which is the highest form of organization in which students and residents, by developing local sense of belonging, "I live here", can be more involved in conservation and environmental protection. Also, through environmental project, it is proposed to integrate environmental knowledge from various university courses, previously studied within the Geography specialties of the University.

Author Biography

Ala Donica, Pedagogical State University «Ion Creangă» Chisinau city



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