Agro-ecological effect of the use of slowly solvable capsular mineral fertilizers in forestry and agricultural sector


  • A. A. Lisnyak Kharkiv V.N. Karazin National University, ecological faculty, Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named after G. M. Vysotsky, Ukraine
  • J. Vilcek National Agriculture and Food Centre, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, Regional workplace Prešov,, Slovakia
  • S. Torma National Agriculture and Food Centre, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, Regional workplace Prešov,, Slovakia


slow-dissoluble fertilizers, bioadhesive coating, prolongation of fertilizers action, plants productivity, crop quality


Purpose. Rationale for the use of slowly soluble encapsulated mineral fertilizers and establishing an assessment of the effectiveness of their use. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and mathematical. Results. The results of the field and analytical stages of studies on the use of slowly soluble encapsulated mineral fertilizers, improvement of the nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium regime of the soil, improving the efficiency of fertilizers in forestry and agriculture are presented. The positive effect of the use of the slowly soluble encapsulated mineral fertilizers of the Superagro on pine seedlings, spring wheat, potato and sugar beet has been established. Our research in open soil has found that the use of slowly soluble capsular form Superagro with the coating of granules with a biocquiel on the background without encapsulation Superagro ensure that 62% of the standard pine seedlings of the usual. We found that the encapsulated form of Superagro with pellets covered with biochemistry significantly increases the yield of crops, increases the quality of products and reduces the content of harmful substances. Yield of spring wheat, potatoes and sugar beet increased by 6.8%, 12.6% and 17.4% respectively. Conclusions. Our researches show, that capsulation of mineral fertilizers with the use of bio glue (furoplast), that means coverage of granules of fertilizers with thin layer with insignificant permeability, allows to increase considerably the productivity of cultures and to prolong the term of fertilizers' action in the soil. We have confirmed positive influence of the use of Superagro slowly solvable capsular mineral fertilizers on seedlings of an ordinary pine-tree, furious wheat, potato and sugar beet. All variants with capsular fertilizers  have showed not only the increase of the productivity, but also amounts of dry matters, starch and decrease of amount of nitrates of the probed cultures. Conducted field researches confirm a positive agro-ecological effect of application of Superagro capsular form of fertilizers at coverage of their granules with  furaplast.


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