Influence of the activity of Novokramatorsk machine-building plant on the environment


  • Л. В. Баскакова V .N.Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine
  • Н. Б. Кравченко V .N.Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine
  • О. О. Сафонова V .N.Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine


atmospheric air, water environment, vegetation, nature protection measures, economic efficiency


Purpose. Investigation of the influence of activity of the multidisciplinary enterprise of the machine-building industry of PJSC "NKMZ" on atmospheric air, reservoirs and vegetation cover. Methods. Field, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, mathematical and analytical methods of information processing. Results The volume of atmospheric air is dominated by emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulates, light organic compounds, dioxide, iron, and hydrogen fluoride, although these volumes decrease compared with the previous year. The volumes of waste accumulation also decrease. The study of soil samples, water and plants in the plant site and within and outside the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise determined that the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise carries out its functions. Comparative analysis of losses from atmospheric air pollution and environmental taxes for enterprise emissions, determination of the effectiveness of environmental measures. Conclusions. PJSC "NKMZ" is one of the main pollutants of atmospheric air. The sanitary-protective zone of the enterprise performs its functions. The calculations of the effectiveness of environmental measures of the enterprise indicate the feasibility of their implementation.


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Звіт про вплив ПАТ «НКМЗ» на навколишнє середовище у 2016 р. Д.:2017. 55 с.

