Spatial characteristics of waste management in the "city-suburban" system
municipal solid waste, city, suburban zone, criteria, indicators, ecological management of the territoryAbstract
Goal. To establish the dependence of the formation of unauthorized dumps of solid household waste with spatial features and socio-economic factors. Methods. Field, statistical data processing. Results. As a result of inventory of landfills of waste related to urban areas. Babai and s. Zatyshne 23 objects were discovered. Each object is analyzed in accordance with a number of criteria designed to optimize waste accumulation and disposal processes in suburban areas. On the basis of the analysis, all objects are classified and grouped into groups for a number of common features. The conducted analysis and classification of landfills enable to give a clear linking of objects to the spatial features within which they were formed. In addition, the analysis of the socio-economic component gives an idea of the context of the formation of landfills, the features of their further growth and morphological composition. On the basis of the analysis, four zones of risk of the formation and development of unauthorized waste landfills are allocated. Risk zones are allocated on the basis of the number of formed landfills, their area and the dynamics of growth. Conclusions dedicated areas of risk of the formation and growth of unauthorized dumps give the opportunity to build an effective system of environmental management and a program of sanitary clearing of territories. Binding landfill to spatial features and socio-economic factors allows for forecasting and subsequent control, which will be aimed at stopping the formation of new objects. Important in this approach is the concept of "individuality" of populated areas, since identified risk areas for one group of settlements, may be irrelevant for the next territorial cluster of management.
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