EU Directives Implementation to Solve the Issue of Atmospheric Pollution With Nitrogen in Ukraine
atmospheric pollution, air quality, nitrogen load, EU Directives, monitoring, agro-economic activities,Abstract
Purpose. Analysis of the EU legislative requirements to resolve the issue of nitrogen pressure on the atmospheric air considering the implementation of the respective EU Directives in Ukraine according to the EU Association Agreement. Results. Legal environment of Ukraine and the EU governing documents on atmospheric air quality, it's monitoring, control of emissions, an introduction of preventive measures in respect of nitrogen-containing compounds have been reviewed. Drawbacks of the respective current EU legislative framework have been analysed. It has been shown that implementation of the analysed Directives in Ukraine is hampered as no active measures are taken to harmonize current and adoption of the new required legislation. Analysis of the state of the National legal framework on the matter of nitrogen load has shown that it practically does not exist in Ukraine now. To effectively implement in Ukraine the EU Directives regulating the requirements to atmospheric air quality, first of all, respective national legislation should be elaborated and a practically new comprehensive system to objectively control and monitor the content of nitrogen and other compounds in the atmospheric air and emissions from the main sources should be developed. It has been proposed to organize workshops for farmers, representatives of industry and the population to raise awareness about the ways to bring down nitrogen loadon the ecosystems and to avoid the aggravation of the situation in the near future. It is shown that in order to successfully implement the current EU guiding documents and plan the realistic actions, the ecosystem approach should be used taking into account the features of biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen in various ecosystems. Special inter-departmental Agency comprising representatives of various Ministries and leading scientists shall be established for mandatory centralized control. Conclusions. Roadmaps for enforcement of all the EU Directives determining the requirements for the system of monitoring and assessment of atmospheric air quality and nitrogen compounds emissions into the atmosphere from different sources, first of all, from agrarian sector, transport and power industry should be developed. Ukraine has a potential chance to avoid the mistakes made by the EU and realize implementation considering modern knowledge about peculiarities on nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in different ecosystems.
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