Analysis of Technogenic Loading on the Air Basins of Individual Industrial and Municipal Aglomerations of Eastern Ukraine (Using Dnipro City as an Example)
quality assessment, atmospheric air, loading module, pollutant,Abstract
Purpose. Estimation of atmospheric air pollution level in the Dnipro city in modern conditions and technogenic loading on the air basin of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Methods. Statistical. Results. Volumes of pollutant emissions from stationary sources are 4 times more than emissions from mobile sources. The maximum values of emissions of pollutants are noted for the enterprises of the processing and extractive industry. The estimation of the level of air pollution in Dnipro city was carried out. An increase in the level of contamination in Dnipro city was indicated during the study period. Substances for which the quality of atmospheric air constantly does not meet the standards include dust, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde. The level of atmospheric air pollution can be classified as «polluted» and «highly polluted». The module of technogenic loading on the air basin of the Dnipropetrovsk region and Dnipro city was calculated. The rate of the technogenic loading in Dnipropetrovsk region from stationary sources considerably exceeds the mobile ones. In Dnipro city, the level of technogenic loading from stationary sources is an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding in the region. This indicates a significant level of technogenic loading on the Dnipro city air basin exactly from stationary sources. The volume of pollutant emissions from stationary sources in the region is an order of magnitude higher compared to the same in Dnipro city and the area of the region is two orders of magnitude larger. The reduction of the level of technogenic loading on the air basin of Dnipropetrovsk region as a whole was noted. Conclusion. Dnipropetrovsk region belongs to regions with significant industrial potential. The primary tasks for the improvement of the air basin are the development of measures to reduce emissions from stationary sources, as well as optimization of the monitoring system in order to determine the list of priority pollutants.
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