Methodological Approaches to Planning the Organization of Supply Environmental Safety on Sport Industry Objects


  • Є, В. Імас National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • О. І. Циганенко National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • С. М. Футорний National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • І. В. Уряднікова National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Ukraine


environmental safety, sports facilities, sports,


Methodological approaches  to planning the organization of environmental safety in sports facilities were developed taking into account the provisions of the environmental safety system concept for sports activities, including the implementation of the main provisions of the environmental safety system concept in sports activities: organizational principles, basic functions, current and future planning environmental safety management plan for sports objects holding a public discussion of the provisions set out in the plans. It was established that the planning of the organization of ensuring environmental safety at sports facilities should take into account the main provisions of the concept of the system for ensuring the environmental safety of sports activities: methodological approaches, organizational principles, basic functions. This should take into account the conceptual provisions of environmental risk management: zoning areas used for sports activities according to the degree of environmental risk (acceptable, moderate, elevated, high); acceptance of the limits of acceptable risk (fully acceptable, partially acceptable, completely unacceptable); regular monitoring of environmental hazards with a forecast of their occurrence; environmental education for those involved in sports activities; development of economic and social measures to prevent the negative impact of environmental hazards in the field of sports; health promotion athletes. The plan for the organization of environmental safety in a sports facility should consist of the following main areas of activities: organizational; operational; repair and reconstruction; environmental protection; legal; educational and financial. Conclusions. Planning the organization of ensuring environmental safety at sports facilities should take into account the main provisions of the concept of the system for ensuring the environmental safety of sports activities: methodological approaches, organizational principles, basic functions, conceptual approaches to environmental risk management. In order to draw up a plan for ensuring the organization of environmental safety at a sports facility, it is first necessary to collect and analyze environmental information in the direction of environmental safety. The plan for the organization of environmental safety in a sports facility should contain the following main sections: organizational and planning measures; operational activities; measures for the construction, repair and reconstruction of environmental facilities; legal measures on environmental safety issues; environmental education and training, financial support for the organization of environmental safety; regulatory standard maintenance of environmental safety.

Author Biographies

Є, В. Імас, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

д-р екон. наук, проф.

О. І. Циганенко, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

д-р мед. наук, проф.

С. М. Футорний, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

д-р наук з фіз. вих. і спорту, доц.

І. В. Уряднікова, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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