Ways to Improve Land Use Efficiency Managing Private Agricultural Activities
tomatoes, sweet pepper, foliar feeding, heavy metals, silicon fertilizers, economic efficiency,Abstract
Purpose of the research is to study the agroecological efficiency of silicon-potassium foliar feeding of vegetables amid the mineral and organic fertilization systems on the example of tomato and sweet pepper. Methods. Field, chemical analysis, statistical. Results. The content of chemical elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the soil in each of the experimental variants did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration. The crop yield for 2016-2018 showed a significant increase in tomato and sweet pepper yields amid the organic fertilizers and double silicon-potassium foliar feeding. In 2016, the maximum yield increase in this variant is 13.2 t/ha for tomatoes and 5.2 t/ha for sweet pepper; in 2017 11,1 t/ha for tomatoes and 7,8 t/ha for sweet pepper; in 2018 13,8 t/ha for tomatoes and 7,8 t/ha for sweet pepper. An analysis of the quality of tomato and sweet pepper yields in 2016-2018 showed that in any of the samples, the content of heavy metals does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration. The estimation of economic efficiency of yield for the period of 2016-2018 showed that each of the agro-applications (double silicon-potassium foliar feeding; mineral fertilizers N60P40K60;N60P40K60 application supplemented by double silicon-potassium foliar feeding; introduction of semi-perforated manure of 30 t/ha; introduction of semi-perforated manure of 30 t/ha supplemented by double silicon-potassium foliar feeding) has a positive economic efficiency indicator compared to the control plot. The highest level of economic efficiency for tomatoes and sweet pepper on the average for three years of the experiment was obtained on the experimental site with the introduction of semi-perforated manure of 30 t/ha supplemented by
double silicon-potassium foliar feeding. Conclusions. It was established that double foliar feeding amid the mineral and organic fertilization systems is an effective method to increase the efficiency of land use in the management of personal peasant farming. The result of this method application is quality and safe products.
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