Prospects for Using of Decision Support Systems for Assessment and Control of Technogenic Pressure on the Environment


  • А. І. Волков Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine


geographical informational models, systems of support, decision-making, technogenic pressure, environment


Purpose. The purpose is to design the database on technogenic pressure levels  on the environment and to develop the software for database control and zoning of Ukrainian areas by the techonogenic pressure. Methods. The GIS free software QGIS is used as a main tool for spatial data analysis and development of the digital maps. The second tool is Environmental Decision Support Systems software which has been developed by author. The main mathematical tools are cluster and factor analysis algorithms. Results. The comprehensive approach to multidimensional zoning has been introduced. The integral index of technogenic pressur on the environment has been defined. The integral index is based on particular indexes which describes technodenic impacts on atmosphere, water and soils. The territory of Ukraine has been zoned by the level of technogenic pressure on the environment. Integrated map of spatial distribution for technogenic pressure on the environment of Ukraine was developed. The digital map database, which describes conditions of the environment of Ukraine, and appropriate database control system were developed. Author has developed the comprehensive software Envoronmental Decision Support systems by utilizing object-oriented language C++. The core of the application is geo-informational models and appropriate mathematical algorithms for spatial data analysis. Conclusions. The areas with high levels of technogenic pressure on the environment have been outlined. The developed approach and software can be useful for state and local authority institutions control activities which directed to reduction of negative impacts on the environment.

Author Biography

А. І. Волков, Odessa State Environmental University

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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