Studying the Dependence of the Toxic Effect on the Time of the Toxicant's Contact with the Algae Culture


  • А. М. Крайнюкова Research Institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems», Ukraine
  • О. М. Крайнюков V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • І. А. Кривицька V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


bioassay, algae, sensitivity, toxicants, toxic effect


Relevance. The intensity of photosynthesis is the most common toxicity test when using algae as test objects. All methods for determining photosynthesis are based on measuring the rate of oxygen evolution or absorption of carbon dioxide in an incubation medium before and after a certain exposure of algae culture to light. Purpose. Determination of threshold concentrations of toxic substances for this method and study of the dependence of the type of dose-value of the toxic effect. Methods. Biotesting with the help of microalgae. Results. Toxicity bioassay by evaluating the photosynthetic activity of algae is possible only for wastewater with acute toxicity. A direct dependency between the magnitude of the toxic effect and the duration of contact of algae with toxicants is observed for about an hour. A further increase in the contact time almost does not increase the toxic effect. Conclusions. By increasing the contact time of algae with toxicants, it is possible to significantly increase the sensitivity of the method and, possibly, use it to evaluate low-toxic wastewater. However, for the final conclusions about the limits of sensitivity of the method, and, therefore, about the scope of its application, additional studies are needed.

Author Biographies

А. М. Крайнюкова, Research Institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems»

д-р биол. наук, проф.

О. М. Крайнюков, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

д-р геогр. наук, доц.


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