Geotoxicological Researches Of The Marine Environment On The Basis Of The Analysis Of Morphological Violations In Benthic Foraminifera


  • Г. О. Кравчук Одеський національний університет імені І.І.Мечникова, Ukraine


the Black Sea, shelf, geoecological situation, benthic foraminifera


The work is devoted to application of the benthic foraminifera for an evaluation of an geoecological situation on a northwest shelf of the Black Sea. Modern instability of a geochemical situation in a coastal zone influences exponents of a survival of types and the frequency of  teratisms (fenodeviants) benthic a foraminifera, 9 versions of morphological defects shells.

Author Biography

Г. О. Кравчук, Одеський національний університет імені І.І.Мечникова

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