The Weak Competitiveness Of Russian And Ukrainian Science. Measures To Improve It
competitiveness of science, publication activity, citation, open access, global university ranking, Scopus, Web of Science, Publish or Perish, Publish Best or Don’t PerishAbstract
Weak competitiveness of the Russian and Ukrainian science, connected with weak publication activity and article citation of the researchers of these countries is shown. Five cost-effective measures for increasing competitiveness of the named countries are proposed . They are connected with active involvement of universities and scientific organizations in the international movement of open access, stimulation of publication activity of researchers, promotion of domestic journals in Scopus and Web of Science databases, wide implementation of training activities and by enhancing international academic communication. Shown also is the criticism existing under the slogan Publish or Perish publication race with replacement of this slogan by the slogan Publish Best or Don't Perish.
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