Peculiarities of Pollution by Some Persistent Organic Pollutants of the Marine Environment of the Northwestern Part of the Black Sea.


  • Yu. M. Denga Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea, Frantsuzsky Blvd., 89, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. I. Mykhailenko Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Y. V. Oleynik Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea, Frantsuzsky Blvd., 89, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • T. A. Safranov Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine, Ukraine


Results.  The ecological state of sea water and bottom sediments of the northwestern part of the Black Sea is determined according to the established values of Maximum Concentration Limit (MCL) and Ecological Standards (ES). The ecological state of marine biota was assessed by HCB pollution according to the established Ecological Standard. The European analogue of MCL (MAC-EQS) for industrial marine organisms was used to assess the ecological state of marine organisms for PCBs pollution (but it should be noted that the assessment was performed only for non-dioxin-like PCBs. Standard for the content of PCBs in marine organisms, in particular, – of industrial importance, must be implemented in Ukraine at the legislative level. For integral assessment of the ecological state of the marine environment and the specifics of POPs pollution in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

Conclusions. The ecological state of the sea water  corresponds to the category "very good". The state of marine biota in most cases corresponds to the quality classes "good" and "very good". The ecological condition of bottom sediments is mainly classified as "satisfactory" and "poor", which under certain natural conditions can be a source of secondary pollution of sea water and biota. 

Author Biographies

Yu. M. Denga, Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea, Frantsuzsky Blvd., 89, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine

Head of the Department of Analytical Research and Monitoring Organization

V. I. Mykhailenko, Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine

graduate student of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Y. V. Oleynik , Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea, Frantsuzsky Blvd., 89, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine

Head of the Laboratory of Chemical Analytical Research

T. A. Safranov, Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine

DSc (Geology and Mineralogy) , Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

