Plastic of the Solid Domestic Waste on the Coastal Zone of the Northwestern Part of the Black Sea as a Component of Marine Littre


  • T. A. Safranov Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • N. A. Berlinsky Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • D. M. Zmienko Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine, Ukraine


Results.  A significant part of plastic (up to 83%) from unorganized landfills and from the other coastal pollution sources is carried out by air and water flows in the water area of the Northwestern part of the Black Sea. In turn, the presence of marine litter associated with the non-proper solid waste management system. The dominant way of of waste management is their removal and disposal in landfills. Significant part of the plastic litter, first of all from unauthorized solid waste dumps, is carried by air flows into the river network, and if they are close to the beach area, directly into the Black Sea.  Almost the whole beach area of the North-Western part of the Black Sea is actively used for recreational purposes and, therefore, is a source of beach waste. In addition, the coastal sources of garbage can be settlements, marine complexes and agricultural lands located along the coastal line. 

 Conclusions. The main component of marine litter  is plastic. Taking into consideration  the environmental hazard of microplastics, it is advisable to create a system for monitoring in the marine environment. To improve the environmental situation in the coastal zone of the North-Western part of the  Black Sea, it is necessary to significantly increase the volume of recycled plastic litter, as well as to eliminate numerous landfills for solid household waste that do not accord to environmental safety requirements.

Author Biographies

T. A. Safranov, Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine

DSc (Geology and Mineralogy), Professor,  Head of the Department of Environmental Science and Environmental Protection

N. A. Berlinsky, Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine

DSc (Geography) , Professor, Head of the Department of Oceanology and Marine Nature Management

D. M. Zmienko, Odessa State Environmental University, Lvivska St., 15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine

graduate student of the Department of Environmental Science and Environmental Protection

