Experience of education for environmental specialists in Austria (exemplified by the university of natural resources and life sciences, Vienna)



higher education system, education of environmental specialists, course, competencies


General information about Tempus project «Qualifications Framework in Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities» is presented, the project is implemented by 21 partners. Results of the first training visit to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,Vienna, Autria, are presented. The Austrian system for education of environmental specialists is analysed. Correlation between compulsory and elective courses, ECTS distribution, forms of education and control, correlation among competencies are presented and discussed in details. Special attention is given the procedure of initiating, development and inclusion on a new course into the up-dated curricular. Possibilities of using Internet-resources for communication with students are described. Comparison of separate elements of Austrian education system with Ukrainian one is performed, recommendations for using Internet in communication with students are given.


Сайт проекту «Рамка кваліфікацій в галузі наук про навколишнє середовище в українських університетах». – Режим доступу до сайту: http://qantus.osenu.org.ua/

Сайт екологічного факультету Харківсько-го національно університету імені В.Н.Каразіна. - Режим доступу до сайту: http://www-ecology.univer.kharkov.ua/

Сайт Університету природничих ресурсів та наук про життя. - Режим доступу до сайту: http://www.boku.ac.at/

Презентація «University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna». – режим доступу до док.: http://qantus.osenu.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/page/2014/09/03-846/University-of-Natural-Resources-and-Life-Sciences.pdf

Презентація «BOKU Experiences with Implementation of Bologna Process Part I». – Ре-жим доступу до док.: http://qantus.osenu.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/page/2014/09/03-846/BOKU-Experiences-with-Implementation-of-Bologna-Process1.pdf

Он-лайн опис навчальної дисципліни «Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources». – Режим доступу до сайту: https://online.boku.ac.at/BOKUonline/lv.detail?clvnr=268060&cperson_nr=&sprache=2