reclamation, reclamation system, soils, peat soils, groundwater, surface waters, climateAbstract
Drainage reclamation is an active anthropogenic factor, which is one of radical ways of human interference into the natural resources potential. Such scientifically unreasonable interference into basin of the river Tsyr had caused re-logging, and in some areas overdrainage, which had caused exhausting and decomposition of organic substance and its conversion into peaty soils. On the other hand reclamation of lands provides active regulation of not only water and air regime but also nutritious, thermal and biological regimes of soil, including regulation of concentration of necessary or harmless compounds.
Thereby water in the soil is used not only as an ecological factor of plants-life, but also as a means of carriage of other components for improving the values of agro landscapes. With its help one can provide soil with fertilizers, chemical ameliorants and biologically active substances.
Herewith one should take into consideration output characteristics of soil as a subject of reclamation.
Complex physiographic description of Tsyr drainage reclamation is given in this article. General data about the system, its natural conditions, geological structure, relief and soil cover are considered. it is necessary to conduct additional reclamation of regulation of ground water by using water flow in the main channel (p. Tsyr). Drainage must wear a balanced character and be specific to the region.
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