Assessment of Conformity Environmental Territories of European Countries to Criteria of IUCN
protected areas, the IUCN criteria, National Parks, Wilderness Area, National Monument, species management area, Regional Landscape Parks, Protected Area with sustainable use, Protected Landscape,Abstract
Development of ecological networks in Europe began before adoption the norm of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Now, different countries have there are different categories of conservation areas. Purpose. Assessment of conformity environmental territories of European countries and Ukraine to the categories of IUCN. Methods. Literature search, analysis environmental law of European countries and Ukraine, statistical analysis and logical assessment of the possibilities for inclusion protected areas to the categories of IUCN. Results. Analyzed of environmental law of European countries (Poland, Germany, United Kingdom, France), his the history and present structure of protected areas. On the basis of the data carried out distribution and comparison of categories of protected areas in Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Great Britain and France with the IUCN criteria. Defined of perspective directions of expansion of protected areas of these countries, according to IUCN requirements. Conclusion. Ukraine has a very low percentage of protected areas among European countries and it should be gradually increased. According to the research, in Ukraine there is an urgent need to increase the area of protected areas in categories I and III IUCN, namely strict protection areas (reserves) and natural monuments. For France, it is necessary to create conservation areas that meet the IUCN category, and for the UK - III category of IUCN.
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