Morphodynamic Landscape Territory Analysis (on The Example of the Mixed-Forest Landscape of the Left Bank the Dnipro River of Ukraine Research Area)


  • В. В. Удовиченко Taras ShevchenkoNational University of Kyiv, Ukraine


morphodynamic analysis, relief plastics method, positional-dynamic structure, horizontal linkages, landscape, landscape planning,


Purpose. The methods of morphodynamic analysis and relief plastics and its essence, which both are useful in studying the key features of the positional-dynamic structure of the research area, are depictured in the article. Methods. Analysis and synthesis, mapping and construction graphic simulation models and mapping digraph, comparative geographical. Results. The criteria for distinguishing and understanding of the elements such structure are characterized. The results of mapping such elements and type of landscape structure on the example of exploration area of the mixed-forest landscape complexes of the Left-Bank the Dnipro river of Ukraine are presented. The results of graphic modeling and creating the orgraph of the territory in accordance with the graph theory, which made results of mapping more expanded, are depictured. The special accent is placed on the opportunity to an application of the obtained research results in the substantiation and practice of landscape planning tools implementation. Conclusions. Highlighted by graphical modeling and mapping «active» and «critical point» paradynamic area can be used as posts control the dynamic links between ecosystems. Within landscaped strips-regulators should be designed such of them aimed at the partial or complete blocking of dynamic links that destabilize the tract of critical points. Examples of such measures for the purpose of reducing the planar flush, for example, are: arranging concreted trays, accumulating runoff; diversion of flow from unstable tracts; construction fast flow-trays; circle shaft agricultural fields; regulation of grazing and so on.

Author Biography

В. В. Удовиченко, Taras ShevchenkoNational University of Kyiv

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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