Functional and technological properties of meat model systems with the using of the cryoprotectant mixtures


  • М. О. Янчева
  • Т. С. Желєва



freezing, thawing, functional and technological properties, sliced meat systems, cryoprotectant action mixtures


Demand for the high-quality frozen manufactured meat is increasing constantly. Taking into consideration this factor it is referred to the research in the sphere of food industry in this article, which will allow making the determination of the effect of the cryoprotectant action food ingredients influence on the functional and technological properties and consumer-oriented characteristics of the manufactured meat. Selected mixtures are recommended to be used in the technologies of frozen sliced meat processing in order to maintain the products quality in consequence of the negative influence of the low temperatures. Analytical review of the scientific literature demonstrated that there are no systematic researches on this problem. That is why the purpose of the research was the studying of the functional and technological properties of meat model systems with the using of the cryoprotectant action mixtures during the freezing. The article describes the positive influence of the mixtures, at the increasing of their concentration, on the parameters, which were investigated, as well as their rational content was determined. The results, presented for the discussing, testified the possibility of these mixtures using in the frozen sliced meat processing, which will result in a wide range of these products with the high functional and technological as well as organoleptic properties, which have the constant quality indicators in the cycle of freezing and thawing.


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