Політика Польщі щодо України від часу формування першого уряду коаліції ГП-ПНП до смоленської катастрофи


  • Adam Kowalczyk Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland

Ключові слова:

Polish foreign policy, Poland’s Eastern policy, Ukraine, Eastern Partnership, Civic Platform, Lech Kaczynski


The article regards the Polish policy towards Ukraine from the time of the first government of the Civic Platform and Polish People’s Party to the Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash.

The main aim of the article is to present the most relevant political actions which were made in this time by Polish authorities not only in terms of bilateral relations but also in terms of multilateral ideas and concepts which were important from the Ukrainian point of view i.e. the Eastern Partnership. The conducted research also based on the internal and external determinants of Polish and Ukrainian policy as well as on the party platform of the Civic Platform at that time. Both determinants and party platform were briefly described in the article.

According to the research, it is possible to indicate several general conclusions: between 2007 and 2010 Ukraine remained (however with a changed role) one of the most significant Polish partners; the government of the Civic Platform decided to transfer lot of tasks regarding the policy towards Ukraine to the European Union; the Eastern Partnership program which was established in 2008 could not been treated as an equivalent of membership in the EU; the most important goals from the Polish point of view including measurable integration of Ukraine with the EU and NATO were not reached.

Біографія автора

Adam Kowalczyk, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Адам Ковальчик

Варшавський університет






Геополітика і міжнародні відносини