Introduction possibilities of conifers in the microlandscape dendrocompositions of Kryvyi Rih botanical garden of NAS of Ukraine




conifers, microlandscape dendrocompositions, introduction, decorativeness, living state, gardening, prospectiveness, Kryvyi Rih region


The aim of the study is to determine main effective microcompositional solutions with using conifers and shrubs in the Cryvyj Rih botanical garden of NAS of Ukraine. The tasks included the study of principles of the construction and taxonomic structure of microlandscape dendrocompositions, evaluation of living states, biomorphological characteristics and decorativeness of each variety and cultivar of coniferous introducents. The objects of the studies were coniferous introducents, used in microlandscape dendrocompositions of the collection fund of CBG. The evaluation of the living state of plants was realized by the methodology of V.T. Yarmishko (2002), decorativeness – T. G. Tamberg and T.N. Ulianova (1969), biomorphological analysis – by I.G. Serebriakov (1962), distribution by the crown form – by A.I. Kolesnikov (1974). There were separated 21 nature dendrocompositions, which taxonomic composition counts 13 varieties, 38 cultivars of 9 geni and 4 families. The main families in these compositions are Сupressaceae and Pinaceae. The Juniperus L. genus is the most widespread – 2 varieties and 14 cultivars. The tree living form is inherent to 28 taxons of conifers, bush – 23 taxons. At creating dendrocompositions, there were used ecological, system and physionomic principles. Our analysis divided them in pure coniferous (14) and mixed coniferous-foliar (7), mono-variant (4) and multi-variant (17) of 2-4 varieties. The age of plants was 15-35 years.

Conifers were divided in 7 groups by form: conic (49 %), spread (25 %), column-like (12 %), creeping (6 %), spheric  (4%), weeping (2 %), pillow-like (2%). The following 3 groups wee separated by the needles coloration: green (43%), yellow and yellow-motley (30%), grey-blue (27 %). Among the whole number of studied coniferous plants the high living state level was observed in 80% of units, and decorative one – in 74%. All aforesaid microlandscape dendrocompositions of conifers are perspective for using in gardening of territories of settlements of the steppe zone of Ukraine of different destinations

Author Biographies

Antonina Mazur, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089

PhD, Senior Researcher

Ivan Korshikov, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089

Doctor in Biological Sciences, Professor, Director

Lyudmyla Boyko, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089

PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of Department

Department of Plant Introduction and Acclimatization

Yulia Yukhimenko, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089

Junior Researcher

Department of Plant Introduction and Acclimatization

Oleg Krasnoshtan, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089


Department of Plant Introduction and Acclimatization

Natalia Danulchuk, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089

Junior Researcher

Department of Plant Introduction and Acclimatization

Olena Lapteva, Kryviy Rih Botanical Garden NAS of the Ukraine Marshaka str., 50, Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, 50089

Lead Engineer

Department of Plant Introduction and Acclimatization


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How to Cite

Mazur, A., Korshikov, I., Boyko, L., Yukhimenko, Y., Krasnoshtan, O., Danulchuk, N., & Lapteva, O. (2018). Introduction possibilities of conifers in the microlandscape dendrocompositions of Kryvyi Rih botanical garden of NAS of Ukraine. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (1 (10), 20–25.



Biological Sciences