Potentiometric determination of integral antioxidant activity of inflorescences of Matricaria Recutita plants cultivated under different conditions with applying growth biostimulants





Matricaria recutita L., growth biostimulants, a potentiometric method, an integral antioxidant activity, an oxidation-reducing potential


The article presents the results of the research on the effect of growth biostimulants «Vermybiomah», «Vermyiodis» and «Vermystym» on the antioxidant activity of inflorescences of aqueous and alcohol extracts of Matricaria recutita L. plants of the cultivated variety «Perlyna Lisostepu» grown on the sod-podzolic soil of the Precarpathian zone and dark gray podzol medium loamy soil of the Western Forest-Steppe. The material for the study was inflorescences of M. recutita plants, collected from different experimental sites and dried to air-dry state. Aqueous and alcohol extracts of M. recutita inflorescences were prepared in accordance with the requirements of State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Determination of antioxidant activity was performed in our studies by potentiometric method (0.01 M K3[F(CN)6] and0.0001 MK4[Fe(CN)6] in0,066 Mphosphate buffer with pH 7,2), on the basis of Brainina's methods and co-workers and Aronbaiev and his co-work. It has been established that inflorescences of water and alcohol extracts of M. recutita plants exhibit antioxidant activity. Alcohol extracts of inflorescences of M. recutita plants are characterized by the antioxidant activity of 1.3-1.5 times higher, compared with the aqueous ones. It has been found that extracts of inflorescences of M. recutita plants cultivated in the conditions of Precakarpathian zone with applying growth biostimulants are characterized by higher integral antioxidant activity, compared with plants of the control variant (14,36 - in aqueous and 20,52 mg AK / g of abs. dry mass – in alcohol extracts). The highest antioxidant activity was observed in plants grown under the influence of «Vermybiomah» (25.4 % in aqueous and 26.7 % in alcohol extracts compared to control). It has been shown that inflorescences of M. recutita plants cultivated in the conditions of the Western Forest-steppe are characterized by the integral antioxidant activity of authentically 16 % higher (p≤0.05) than plants grown in the Precarpathian zone

Author Biography

Oksana Lupak, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University I. Franka str., 23, Drohobych, Ukraine, 82100



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How to Cite

Lupak, O. (2018). Potentiometric determination of integral antioxidant activity of inflorescences of Matricaria Recutita plants cultivated under different conditions with applying growth biostimulants. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (2 (11), 16–19. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-8025.2018.129675



Biological Sciences