Sozophytes and habitat in the territory of the stow Khortytsia under protection of the bern convention


  • Svitlana Okhrimenko Khortytsia national preserve Starogo Redutu str., 9, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69017, Ukraine
  • Yevheniia Tkach Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Metrologichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143, Ukraine



Wild flora, sozoophytes, habitats, Khortуtsia ravine, rare component, Berne Convention, Emerald Network


Aim. In order to preserve the phytocenosis fund of the Khortytsia tract, we set the goal to include it in the territory of a special nature conservation value which is the Emerald Object. To do this, a phytososological assessment of the territory was carried out regarding its compliance with the requirements of the Berne Convention.

Results. The Khortitsa stow is the territory which landscapes represent a characteristic of the Zaporizhzhia oblast, especially steppe, with natural vegetation in a well-preserved state.

The study of the flora and vegetation was carried out by the expeditionary route method, as well as setting stationary experimental areas of 100 m2 and transecting in accordance with generally accepted methods.

On the territory of the tract there were discovered:

– All arid types of E1 category herb groups classified EUNIS, described for Zaporizhzhia oblast (Е1.11, Е1.2.1.1 – Е1.2.1.7);

– 20 types of habitats, protected by resolution No. 4 of the Bern Convention (C 1.226; C1.33; C1.3411; C 2.33; C2.34; C 3.4; C 3.51; D 5.2; E 1.1.1; E 1.2; E 3.4; E 5.4; G1.11; G 1.3; G 1.7; X 18).

– 3 types of vascular plants (Aldrovanda vesiculosa L., Jurinea cyanoides DC., Serratula lycopifolia Beck.), listed in Appendix No. 1 of Resolution No. 6 of the Bern Convention.

The obtained data were included into the standard data forms of the objects of the Emerald Network applicants and were defended at the Emerald Network Biogeographical Seminar for all habitats and species (except birds) for the Steppic region (the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), the Alpine Caucasus (the Russian Federation), the Marine Black Sea (Ukraine, the Russian Federation) and the Marine Caspian Sea (which was held in Kyiv from on September 6 till 8, 2016).

Conclusion. In 2016 the stow was included in the Emerald Network of Ukraine UA0000106 "Kakhovka Reservoir". The research materials show that Khortytsia stow has a great phytososological value and needs arrangements for protection and conservation of its biodiversity

Author Biographies

Svitlana Okhrimenko, Khortytsia national preserve Starogo Redutu str., 9, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69017

Head of Department

Department of Nature Conservation

Yevheniia Tkach, Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Metrologichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143


Department of Agroecology and Biosafety


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How to Cite

Okhrimenko, S., & Tkach, Y. (2019). Sozophytes and habitat in the territory of the stow Khortytsia under protection of the bern convention. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (1 (16), 19–24.



Biological Sciences