Peculiarities of the anatomic structure of vegetable organs and productivity of linseed plants (linum usitatissimum l.) under the application of the growth stimulant




Linum usitatissimum L., growth stimulators, morphogenesis, productivity, crop structure


The activity of growth processes in a plant organism is determined not only by the content of individual groups of phytohormones, but is predominantly determined by the balance of biologically active substances. Exogenous applying of compositions with phytohormone analogues or activity regulators influences on the metabolism processes and leads to changes in growth processes.

The purpose of the research was to investigate the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of vegetative organs and the formation of the linseed yield under the influence of a complex stimulating drug treptolem.

Materials and methods. Oil flax plants of ‘Debut’ variety were once treated with 0.03 ml/l water solution treptolem in the budding phase. Morphological parameters of flax plants were studied every 10 days. The anatomical structure of the vegetative organs of flax was studied on leaves of the same age and fragments of the stem in the middle part.

Results. There has been established the effect of the growth stimulator with auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin compounds complex on the features of growth processes, anatomical organization of vegetative organs, productivity of linseed oil plants (Linum usitatissimum L.). The using of treptolem during the budding period leads to an increase in the productivity of linseed oil by the increasing of morphogenesis process of vegetative organs with simultaneous restructuring of anatomical structure of stems and leaves. The increase in the stem diameter due to the better development of bark, xylem, thickening of bast fibres enhances the resistance of linseed oil plants to lodging. Stimulator induces enhanced the development of the photosynthetic apparatus: formation of a larger number of leaves, prolongation of their active functioning, increasing of chlorenchyma cells size and improving of chloroplastogenesis. The enhancement of photosynthetic productivity of oil flax plants leads to an intensification of carpogenesis, an increase in yield and an improvement in the crop structure. The content of the residual amount of morphoregulators in the seeds is much lower, at acceptable concentrations.

Conclusions. The use of treptolem on flaxseed plants leads to changes in the formation of the stem and the development of the leaf apparatus that increases the yield of the crop

Author Biographies

Olena Khodanitska, Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsya State Pedagogical University Ostrozhskogo str., 32, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21100

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Oksana Shevchuk, Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsya State Pedagogical University Ostrozhskogo str., 32, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21100

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Biology

Olesya Tkachuk, Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsya State Pedagogical University Ostrozhskogo str., 32, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21100

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Biology

Victoria Shevchuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Soniachna str., 3, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21008

Postgraduate Student

Department of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agrochemistry


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How to Cite

Khodanitska, O., Shevchuk, O., Tkachuk, O., & Shevchuk, V. (2019). Peculiarities of the anatomic structure of vegetable organs and productivity of linseed plants (linum usitatissimum l.) under the application of the growth stimulant. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (4 (19), 35–40.



Biological Sciences