Methodology and efficiency of the psychotherapeutic correction system of adaptation disorders of students




medical students, adaptation disorders, anxiety, depression, coping strategies, psychoeducation, psychotherapy


The aim: to develop a system of psychotherapeutic correction of adaptation disorders of medical university students.

Materials and methods of research: to achieve the set aim with observance of the principles of bioethics and deontology, a comprehensive clinico-anamnestic, clinico-psychopathological and psycho-diagnostic examination of 412 students of both sexes, Kharkov National Medical University (KhNMU) at an average age of 18.0±2.0, 52.2 % of the surveyed (215 students) were residents of eastern Ukraine, 21.1 % (87 students) – residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions who entered the KhNMU at the beginning of the ATO and 26.7 % (110 students) internally displaced persons from the ATO zone.

Research methods: clinical-psychopathological, psycho-diagnostic, statistical.

Results. As the results of the study showed, the students-migrants from the ATO zone show a higher level of adaptation disorders, compared to students in eastern Ukraine and residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions who entered the KhNMU for education at the beginning of the ATO. We developed a system of psychotherapeutic correction of disadaptation conditions in students of the medical university which was aimed at overcoming adaptation disorders and potentiating adaptive personality mechanisms of students by revealing the pathogenetic nature of the conflict, determining the start of disadaptive reactions, processing the pathological behavior stereotype, forming a tendency to use constructive forms of coping, normalizing the system of emotional-volitional reaction, increasing self-esteem, activation of protective psychological mechanisms skill formation self psychological state. As shown by the results of dynamic observation against the background of the proposed system of psychotherapeutic correction of disadaptation states, the level of adaptation of students has significantly increased, anxiously depressive symptoms have been reduced, and the level of neuropsychic tension has become lowered. The obtained results of the research testified to the positive influence of psychotherapy on the optimization of the coping strategy of the problem-solving behavior of medical students.

Conclusions. A system of psychotherapeutic correction of medical students' disadaptation conditions has been developed. This includes the use of rational psychotherapy (Dubois P., 1912), individual cognitive behavioral therapy (Beck A. T., 2006), autogenic training – psychotonic variant by A. M. Shogam, K. I. Mirovsky (1963) and art therapy using the techniques of "Drawing Yourself", "The Star of Senses". Sense-forming element of the developed system of psychotherapy is psychoeducation using information modules and training the formation of communicative skills and skills in solving problems of interpersonal interaction. Under the influence of psychotherapeutic correction of adaptation disorders, rapid reduction of anxious and depressive symptoms, normalization of emotional state, optimization of coping strategy of problem-solving behavior with predominance of coping of problem-oriented problem

Author Biography

Maksim Khaustov, Kharkiv National Medical University Nauky ave., 4, Kharkіv, Ukraine, 61022

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology 


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How to Cite

Khaustov, M. (2018). Methodology and efficiency of the psychotherapeutic correction system of adaptation disorders of students. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (6 (26), 54–58.



Medical Science