The geochemical estimation of the geoecological state left in flows of Podolsk part of the Dnister river




the geoecological state of the river Dnister, transfrontal current, hydrochemical mode, ground sedimentations


A research object is water, ground sedimentations and soils from the banks of the left tributaries of Podolsk part of the river Dnister (Ukraine). One of problem places of this research is absence of the analogical complex watching maintenance in water, ground sedimentations and soil from the banks of the left tributaries of Podolsk part of Dnister of the investigated area. It hampers finding out of geochemical features of the ground sedimentations and soils. The tests of soils from the banks of currents for ecogeochemical researches were selected for GOST and investigational with the use of quantitative spectrology of gross maintenance of elements. It allowed to compare inter se maintenance of elements in soils and ground sedimentations. It is set that on mechanical composition prevail psammites among the ground fallouts of the rivers, and insignificant maintenance of argillaceous-silt constituent in the ground sedimentations does not assist an accumulation in them contaminents.

It is set that on mechanical composition prevail psammites among the ground fallouts of the rivers, and insignificant maintenance of argillaceous-silt constituent in the ground sedimentations does not assist an accumulation in them contaminents. The table of contents of most elements in water of the rivers does not exceed possible concentrations maximum. Only in the district of Mogilev-Podolsky in Derlo maintenance of potassium and iron in 13.28 and 7.4 times exceeds MPC accordingly. In general maintenance of the investigated elements in water is ordinary does not exceed not only, and and considerably less MPC both sanitary requirements and MPC of standard of Worldwide organization of health protection.

Research of maintenance of Cr and Pb in the ground sedimentations of the rivers of Zhvan, Lyadova, Nemiya, Derlo and Dnister, and soils of their banks allowed to find out that maintenance of lead and chrome in the investigated standards usually does not exceed a median value for the investigated currents. In general maintenance of the investigated elements in water is ordinary not only does not exceed but also considerably less MPC, both sanitary requirements and MPC of standard of Worldwide organization of health protection.

In general the geoecological state of the left tributaries of Podolsk part of the river Dnister is satisfactory. Contamination chemical elements has point character. It is recommended to create the joint international program of realization of the geoecological monitoring not only Dnister but also his left and right tributaries within the limits of Podolsk part.

Author Biography

Iryna Kapelista, National Aviation University, 1, Kosmonavta Komarova ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058


Department of Land Management and Cadastre


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How to Cite

Kapelista, I. (2018). The geochemical estimation of the geoecological state left in flows of Podolsk part of the Dnister river. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(3(41), 39–44.



Ecology and Environmental Technology: Original Research