Effect of electroactivated water on the development of surface meat microflora
electroactivated water, anolyte, surface microflora, meat, bactericidal effectAbstract
An influence of electroactivated water fractions on development of surface meat microflora is given in the article. Quantitative and qualitative composition of surface meat microflora at its processing by catholyte, anolyte and tap water (control) is investigated. The study was conducted over 6 days. It is noted that population of microorganisms on the 3rd day by 45 % less than in the control sample, and six days for 70 % less than in controls at anolyte processing. According to obtained data catholyte shows no bactericidal properties at the surface microflora. Qualitative analysis of microflora showed that lactic Leuconostoc diplobacteria are discovered at anolyte processing. This fact is positive for raw meat microflora because the lactic acid bacteria prolong the shelf life of meat and suppress putrefactive microflora. Influence of anolyte is also compared with influence of food chemical acids with the same pH. It is determined that inhibition of microorganisms for anolyte processing and 10 % acetic acid is almost the same, but this acetic acid concentration causes significant deterioration of the organoleptic properties of meat and denaturation of the surface proteins. The study can be used in meat processing technology to improve the microbiological safety of raw materials and lengthening periods of storage of meat and meat products.
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