Features of diagnosis and treatment of testicular tumors of different origin


  • V.P. Stus SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • M.M. Moiseenko SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • V.M. Krasnov SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MH of Ukraine”; SE “Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical hospital n.a. I.I. Mechnikov”, Ukraine
  • K.V. Nikolayeva SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • M.Y. Polion SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MH of Ukraine”, Ukraine




tumour of testicle, cryptorchidism, tumour markers, research, capsule of testicle, metastases


A stake of tumours of testicle is 1–1,5% of the structure of general oncologic morbidity among men and morbidity of testicular tumours is increasing every year. This pathology is more common in young men at the age of 30 years, but according to our research during 5 years the peak of morbidity is met amoung the patients in 30–40 years age. The main factors of risk for development of this pathology according to the world information and our research are cryptorchidism and traumas (30,4% of patients have cryptorchidism and traumas in anamnesis). In obedience to our information, it was typical for patients with seminoma that the hCG level increased in 23 times, LDH in 7 times and AFP in 3 times, in accordance, for patients with seminoma and teratoma the increase of l AFP in 20 times, LDH and hCG in 1,5 times was common . In accordance to results of histological research it was exposed that for 43% of our patients the germination of tumour in the capsule of testicle. Was identified there was set the connection between the germination of tumour in capsule and presence of metastases in iliac lymphonoduss and remote metastases ass well (the metastases in iliac lymphonoduss were found amound most partients wiyh tumour germination).


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