Specific of course of uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis in reproductive-aged women according to taxonomic position of pathogenic organisms


  • A.V. Rudenko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • S.P. Pasiechnikov SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • M.V. Mitchenko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • K.K. Konstantinov Aleksandrovska Clinical Hospital, Ukraine




acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis, reproductive-aged women, classic bacteria, mollicutes, infectious and inflammatory gynecological diseases


Urinary tract infections (UTI), including acute pyelonephritis develop at least one time during lifetime in 40% women. 25–30% of them will have relapse of disease. The goal of the research is to figure out taxonomic position of mollicutes and other pathogenic organisms impact on course of acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis (AUP) in reproductive-aged women(RAW). 246 RAW patients in age from 18 to 49 y. were examined and treated during the research. Complex microbiological examination included bacterial culture tests for urine, urethra mucosa scrapping, cervical scrapping and vagina swab. In addition patients were examined by gynecologist. We have found that urinary tract were infected in 91,9% cases, genital tract – in 81,7% cases. In 80,9% spp. spectrum in urinary tract and reproductive tract was the same. Mixed mollicute-bacterial infection made course of disease worse, conduced to more intensive and longer clinical symptoms, threatened development of purulent stage of pyelonephritis. Mixed infection was found in 86,3% cases with severe course of disease. 2/3 of patients with leukocyte index more than 120 belonged to the last group. For patients with mollicute only infection mild course of disease was typical: 42,8% cases vs. 7,8% with severe and 12,2% with moderate course cases. Symptoms torpidity (82,5%) and prolonged disease duration(68,9%) were typical for these patients.


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