Estimation of efficiency and safety silodosin in treatment of the symptom bottom uric ways and nokturia at patients from good-quality hiperplazie prostate


  • V.P. Stus SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • N.N. Moiseenko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • Y.Y. Cepelev SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • S.V. Shomchenko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • A.A. Mogeyko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • N.V. Agafonov SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • N.V. Krasnov SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • V.V. Kostura SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • E.G. Olkchowskaya SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • E.L. Fidelev SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • K.A. Hramov SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • I.M. Rusinko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • A.A. Kravec SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine



good-quality hiperplazie prostate, symptoms of the bottom uric ways, silodozint, efficiency of application


Symptoms of the bottom uric ways against good-quality hiperplazie prostate represent a frequent problem at men of the senior age group and meet in 43 % of cases after 70 years. For elimination of the given symptoms used treatment by a preparation of Urorek (silodozine) in doses of 4 mg and 8 mg a day within 1–2 months. In research participated 236 patient with good-quality hiperplazie prostate. Age of patients from 52 to 88 years. Efficiency of action of a preparation on disease symptoms estimated on scale IPSS. Simultaneously carried out monitoring of indicators of arterial pressure at all patients. It is established that in 8 weeks of treatment decrease IPSS at patients who received a preparation in a dose of 8 mg with 18,9±9 points to 12,3±6 (31%) a point is marked. At patients who accepted a preparation in a dose of 4 mg a day, decrease in points has made from 16,0±8 to 11,3±5 (29 %). The volume of residual urine has decreased in 1 group for 68 %, 2 – group for 51%. The By-effect in a kind retrograde eyaculation, directly correlated with decrease in symptoms of the bottom uric ways. The preparation did not render essential influence on a condition of arterial pressure at patients at all stages of treatment. The conducted research has shown high enough efficiency of application of a preparation of Urorek (silodosin) for treatment of frustration urination at patients with good-quality hiperplazie prostate.


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