Inhibition of cryoglobulin synthesis as a method of positive influence on spermogram indices (clinical observations)
male infertility, spermogram, cryoglobulinemia, intradermal autoleukocyte immunizationAbstract
Cold-shock precipitating proteins – cryoglobulins damage various vessels and, depending on localization of damages, may lead to function disorder of various organs and body systems. Evidently, cryoglobulinemia may have a negative influence on reproductive system’s condition, thus, this process requires detailed study. Clinical examples, indicating connection between cryoglobulinemia and spermatogenesis impairment are presented in the article. The proof is improvement of spermogram due to inhibition of cryoglobulin synthesis by the method of intradermal immunization with inactivated autoleukocytes. Leukocytes are isolated by precipitation of a patient’s heparinized peripheral venous blood in thermostat at 370С for 90–140 minutes. After precipitation, blood plasma is aspirated, leukocytes are precipitated by centrifugation. Autoleukocytes are injected in the dose 0.1 ml into 8–12 points of the skin in the back. Spermogram indices considerably improve due to inhibition of cryoglobulin synthesis in patients with idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia. However, we have determined that in men with other forms of infertility, including severe ones, presence of increased level of cryoglobulins significantly deteriorates prognosis considering successful correction of spermatogenesis impairment. Their elimination, in most cases, has a positive influence on spermatogenesis and makes additional conditions for efficacy improvement in treatment of infertility. Examination for cryoglobulinemia should be included to methodical recommendations/instructions for examination of patients with impaired fertility, since reduction of cryoglobulin level by means of intradermal immunization with inactivated autoleukocytes has a positive influence on spermogram indices.References
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