Negative outcomes of radical prostatectomy in patients with localized prostate cancer: there are a non-genitourinary postoperative complications in the focus


  • S.A. Vozianov SI «Institute of urology of NAMS Ukraine», Ukraine
  • S.N. Shamrayev SI «Institute of urology of NAMS Ukraine», Ukraine
  • A.N. Leonenko SI «Institute of urology of NAMS Ukraine», Ukraine



localized prostate cancer, complications, endoscopic radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy


The aim of the study is to research the frequency and structure of non-genitourinary complications in patients with localized prostate cancer (PC) who were undergone retropubic and endoscopic radical prostatectomy in one clinic. Material and methods. The study included 360 patients, who had been undergone radical prostatectomy (RPE) during 2012-2016 in the clinic of the SI “Institute of urology of NAMS Ukraine”. Group 1 included 99 (27,5%) patients after retropubic radical prostatectomy (RPE), and group 2 – 261 (72,5%) patients after endoscopic radical prostatectomy (ERP). Results. Infectious complications were detected in 9 (9,09%) and 23 (8,81%) patients, cardiocerebropulmonary – in 4 (4,04%) and 3 (1,15%), and neurological – in 1 (1,01%) and 3 (1,15%) patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively. Gastrointestinal complications was registered only in 4 (1,53%) patients who have undergone ERP. Complications of the V degree of severity was detected only in the structure of the cardiocerebropulmonary group. It was found that the most diverse and numerical non-genitourinary group was the infectious group, its complications were I–IIIb of degrees of severity by Clavien–Dindo. Conclusions. The complications of the cardiocerebropulmonary group were the only cause of early intra-hospital mortality in patients undergoing radical surgical treatment of localized prostate cancer during a five-year period in a clinic. All cases of gastrointestinal complications in the early postoperative period required surgical correction, however, they occured episodically. Further study requires the correlation of the concomitant presence of histologically verified prostatitis and the emergence of some infectious complications of the RPE, regardless of the concrete methodics of the RPE.


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