Epidemiological features of chronic cystitis in the capital megapolis
chronic cystitis, prevalence, morbidity, women, men, capitalAbstract
The paper presents the results of the analysis for 2008–2017 of the prevalence and incidence of chronic cystitis in the adult population of Kiev based on the data of state, sectoral statistical reports (F.F. No. 12, 20). Two five-year periods are highlighted, the justification for which was the well-known territorial changes in the country; the corresponding indicators served as a comparison, which made it possible to identify the features of the dynamics of the studied processes.
As a result of 10 years of observation, it was revealed that for the city of Kiev, which ranks second in the structure of the prevalence and incidence of chronic cystitis in Ukraine, a decrease in the number of registered patients (by 7.3%) with a simultaneous increase in newly diagnosed patients (by 15.6%; by 25.6% of men and 13.2% of women), in contrast to their overall growth in the country as a whole (by 0.4% and 2.8%, respectively). Prevalence rates (per 100 thousand) after an increase in the first five years are replaced by a decrease in the next period (621.2 to 687.9 versus 627.8 to 533.4). Among women, they were 3.5-4.8 times large; in 2017 – 862.8 versus 176.6 among men. The peculiarity of the incidence was manifested by its increase among women and men in 2013–2017 against the background of a decrease in the previous years; in 2017, the indicators per 100 thousand reached 88.5; among women – 127.2, men – 41.5.
The observed situation of an increase in the incidence of chronic cystitis among the adult population of the capital with a simultaneous decrease in the prevalence allows us to evaluate it as a result of the provided adequate specialized care and, at the same time, indicates the need to study the causes, negative factors, as the basis for the improvement and implementation of disease prevention.
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