DOI:Ключові слова:
linguoculturology, a world model, the language picture of the world, Tatar linguoculture, ethnos, a cultural code, key concepts.Анотація
Abstract. The language is closely connected with the picture of the world, which predetermines linguistic
cognition. Cognition underlies the conceptualization of knowledge about the extralinguistic reality and the language vision of the world. The language picture of the world includes a special worldview and the ethnos of the world, fixed in the semantics of linguistic units and the conceptual-categorial composition of the language. Categorization allows us to reduce an infinite variety of a phenomena to a concrete classification, concluding in the division of the world into certain discrete entities and classes of such entities. Thus, the language picture of the world is formed not only by the nomenclature of nominative units, but largely by the rules of their formation and functioning. The analysis of fragments of the language picture of the world of the Tatars allowed us to come to the following conclusions: in the Tatar language model of the world, first of all, the visual-spatial experience of a person is reflected. When modeling in the language of the inner world, the fundamental characteristics of objective reality, such as space and, to a lesser extent, time, are interned by a person. So, for example, in terms of space, the concept of kunel as specific for the Turkic-Tatar linguoculture is described as an internal topos where the soul, heart, conscience are placed, where the source of various feelings and experiences is.
Keywords: linguoculturology, a world model, the language picture of the world, Tatar linguoculture, ethnos, a cultural code, key concepts.
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